(The pic above is me on the right, and my sis on the left... at esthers(chinwe ikes) trad wedding in naij..jan 09)
So my contacts are killing me please tell me what to do, i hate wearing these things, and i lost my glasses....
I have a business idea, and i am so happy i found the best person to do it with....N.O....wink*....watch out for us guys!!..lol...i cannot tell you what the biz idea is...if not you will steal it..sowwy!!..lol
I have so much school work to do..it is not even funny..but uchenna has assured me that i should not really bother myself about my 30 page essay....lol..i should just relax....(but if i fail..i will have to sue you for improper advice)..just kidding!
Why do people think i am depressed??....i am NOT DEPRESSED...DAMN IT!!..I AM REPRESSED(ok that was not funny at all)....errrrr..yah..not funny..moving on
Is it possible for a young girl like me to not like going clubbing?..i have never liked it, and will never like it...eat me!(that just sounds wrong)..i meant BITE ME!...ERMMM..OK..MOVING ON
Did i ever tell you that i do not drink...(i cry when i get tipsy)..YES! cry..blame it on the AAAAAALCOHOL ....people who know me, can testify to this. Actually sometimes i drink, if i cannot taste the alcohol at all....oh btw...my poison is bud light beer....ermmm...(yeah i know i said i do not drink alc...but my friend recently introduced me to it, and i cannot stop drinking)..it's not that bad...only when i am out..which is NEVER..haha
speaking about going out.....i never go out, i am more of like a stay at home buddy, just chill, people always say i act like (mama mmadu)..meaning someones mum...i should really just get married..lol
I know my wedding song, and i know exaclty what is going to happen on my wedding day..hehehe...Gosh!...lol..
I play pool very well.(not swimming pool..lol..for the razz ones!)..Everyday i wake up, and instead of going to the gym in the morning, i reverse to the pool table, and play by myself...and i am getting quite good...woohoo!
I have this pink prettiful book..ok its not that pretty anymore..its been abused by me..but in this book is the story of my dear life. it consists of, boyfriends, past present, future..lol, friends, business ideas(a lot of that..a whole lot of that actually), what i want the names of my kids to be..hehe, wedding songs, thing i need to achieve for every year, people i need to cut out of my life, quotes, words that i need to learn(meanings, and so on), things that i need to find out the meaning to, or what it is about, for example someone might say somethin random like"The Earth is smoother than a billiard ball."... then i would bring about my pink book..write that down, and make sure i do my research..YES..i am weird like that...bascially the book has everything , and anything...from what i want to give my mama, and dada, when i am rich..lol..(cause i will be)..God willing o!
I stare a lot...so if you see me starring at you, i am most probably thinking something in my head...lol....bad or good..watever!!..i do not just stare for the sake of it
I compliment girls more than i would compliment a guy, infact i rarely compliment guys, except he was my bf, or cousin, brother, close close friend...but i would be walking down or up a street..watever...and then i would see a random girl, and go up to her and be like "OMG you are like soo cute!"...NO i am not lesbian..i am however, attracted to girls... not in that way, but being that i am a makeup artist, i tend to look at girls a lot, (A GIRLS FACE).....SCOPE HER NOSE, HER SMILE, HER CHEEK BONES, EVERYTHING..and in my mind i am thinking oh i could use the gold eyeshadow on her..or i could do like a smokey look with green..or she would look really nice with red lipstick on, or she should have put on less eyesahdow, more lipstick, or she didnt blend her eyeshadown very well, or wow this girl is flipping gorgy, i have to tell her, and they are always happy when i do...I REPEAT I AM NOT LESBIAN..i am STRAIGHT...i like boys..sorry MEN...lol
I know you are busy, but really.....(TO WHOMEVER IT MAY CONSINGN)..CONCERN*
I really cannot stand the chinese accent!!
I like to cook, clean, cook, clean, cook, cook, cook, then, clean, ..lol..does not mean i am some kind of emotional wreck or anything...used to be..not anymore..i can stand my ground now..lol..(as my friend would say)..lol...but my mum keeps saying my husband will enjoy..and yes i agree..my husband will enjoy....ask the guys that know me well..they will tell you about me...(it could be bad for me sometimes)..then again(guys get addicted to me..i have this spell..)."I PUT A SPELL ON YOU, AND NOW YOUR MINE MINE MINE!!!..WOOHOO!!)..mind you o...i do this when i am really inlove with a guy..like bastardly inlove..insanely...which has only been(ok i am not saying)..if not...you will wait tire...lol
I would give you 50 dollars even if i had 100 dollars left in my account..yup dats me!
I try not to talk about people...as much as i can...and i am also working on not tursting people too much
Whenever my mama, or dada travel..maybe to say..lagos to enugu, or enugu to abuja or abuja to Jand..u get the drill.. once they get to their destination. they have to call me immediately, if i do not hear from them after about an hour or tow of them getting there, then something has happened(in my mind)..i start tearing up like seriously
I always have nightmares!...DEVIL YOU ARE A LIAR!
I have a knife right next to my bed, and my bible...i need a baseball bat, and pepper spray, then i will feel safe.
When i am in Naji, i cannot sleep by myself, i have to sleep with mumsies room, or with my sis...more like mummies room tho
Yes i am mamas little princess....yesterday she randomly told me that i was precious*...hmmmm
I am a big kid...i love being a child. it is fun..and it is who i am...EAT ME!..ERMMM SORYY BITE ME!(more like it)
Should i stop?..are you getting bored?...my hands are hurting..lol
I sing...but i am too shy to sing in public
I am very very shy, but when i go out in public, you would never tell..some people can, but for the most part..not many people can
I love ice cream, and cheesecake...Oh Gosh..i love skittles..and i love black beans!
i am very untidy..but i cannot stand dirty kitchens, and dirty bathrooms..makes me sick actually
ok i am done..more coming..hehe
btw..this was supposed to be a post about my contacts..lol..but i just kept writing..that is why i blog...hope you enjoyed my random rambling
sorry, but did i hear someone say "WHO CARES?"...ermmm honey if you do not care, step out of my flipping page..cause to be honest i do not CARE about you too...for my lovers and friends that do..thats why i wovve you guys!
woohoo!.i actually enjoyed doing this..you guys need to try it..its like letting something go..i felt something come out of me...like i can't explain it..
ok..i have to do my 15 page essay now....mwah!!!xoxo